
Collection of vessel news, found 964 news.

IFC Exercises Convertible Bond in Wintermar Offshore Marine (IDX:WINS) for 4.92% of Enlarged Capital

PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk (WINS) is pleased to announce that IFC, a member of the World Bank Group focused on ...

Chevron deploys hundreds of personnel to clean up oil spills

The Chevron Pacific Indonesia Company has deployed hundreds of personnel from Marine Environmental Protection team to ...

Malaysian warship arrives in Australian naval base for briefing in MH370 search

A Malaysian guided missile frigate has arrived at an Australian naval base near Perth for briefings on the ongoing ...

Tuesday`s search for MH370 resumes: JACC

Ten planes and nine ships will assist in Tuesdays search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, the Joint Agency ...

Cargo ship sinks after hitting motor vessel

Cargo ship Journey sank after hitting MV Lambelu at the port of Tanjung Perak of Surabaya, East Java in early ...

Australian vessel reaches target area for MH370 search

Australian vessel Toowoomba has entered the target area for search of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, maritime ...

Second Chinese ship joins search for missing MH370 in new area

A second Chinese ship reached early Saturday a new search area in the Indian Ocean to relocate objects possibly ...

New images show more than 100 objects that could be plane debris

New satellite images have revealed more than 100 objects in the southern Indian Ocean that could be debris from a ...

Wintermar Offshore Marine (IDX:WINS) Net Profit for FY2013 up 34% to US$27 million on 50% Revenue Growth

PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk (IDX:WINS) today reported net profit for FY2013 rose 34% to US$27 million on 50% ...

Chinese icebreaker Xuelong to arrive at search area Tuesday

Chinese icebreaker Xuelong is expected to arrive Tuesday at the area in the southern Indian Ocean where possible ...

US Navy black box locator joins search for missing Malaysian plane

The United States Navy ismoving one of its high-tech Black Box detectors closer to the search area for a missing ...

Indonesia joins international team in search for missing Malaysian plane

Since Saturday, March 8, when the Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing went missing ...

Philippines drops food to troops after China "blockade"

The Philippine military said Thursday it had evaded a Chinese sea blockade by using an airplane to drop food to ...

Seamen association urges govt to stop placing seamen on taiwanese ships - (d)

The Association of Indonesian Seamen (KPI) has urged the government to temporarily halt the employment of sailors on ...

Foreign ministry asked to send a note to PNG over missing fishermen

Lawmaker Tjahjo Kumolo urged the foreign ministry to demand explanation from Papua New Guinea about report of PNG ...