
Collection of volcano news, found 710 news.

Exploring Sea Floor To Cement RI-US Science Cooperation

US President Barack Obama when visiting Indonesia in November 2010, said that the US government was sincerely striving ...

RI-US expedition finds 79 new species in Indonesian waters

Chairman of the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) Marzan A. Iskandar said a number of new ...

Govt provides Rp25 billion to overcome lava`s impact

The government has set aside Rp25 billion to rehabilitate infrastructure damaged by lava floods from Mount Merapi on ...

Govt does not consider Bromo eruptions extraordinary event

The government has been handling the impacts of the on-going Mount Bromo eruptions in East Java through general ...

Volcanic material on Opak river removed

Vulcanic material of Mount Merapi piling up on Opak River is removed to prevent hardened lava flood from engulfing ...