
Collection of waterways news, found 118 news.

Over 653 thousand vehicles have left jakarta for lebaran

The state-owned toll construction firm Jasa Marga has predicted that until Wednesday (June 13), some 652,922 vehicles ...

Rafflesia tuan-mudae blooms in Maninjau forest

Rafflesia tuan-mudae is in bloom in Maninjau Nature Reserve in Marambuang, Agam District, West Sumatra ...

Connectivity determinant to promote ASEAN-Indian economic cooperation

Combined population of nearly 2 billion of the Association of Southeast Asian nations (ASEAN) and India could make ...

Jakarta governor declares flood alert

Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has instructed the Jakarta provincial administration to stay alert, calling on the ...

Transport minister to offer 10 major projects in ASEM

Transport Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said he will offer ten projects to foreign investors when Asian and European ...

Naval warship finds Singapore`s missing yacht

Singaporean "Sunrise" Yacht that had gone missing for two days was found by the Indonesian warship KRI Siwar-646, the ...

Snowstorm hits traffic in Istanbul; straits closed, flights cancelled

A snowstorm forced the closure of Turkeys key shipping straits and sweeping flight cancellations on Saturday (Jan. 7), ...

EARTH WIRE -- China to appoint "river chiefs" to fight pollution

China will appoint "river chiefs" to prevent pollution in the nations waterways, the official Xinhua news agency ...

WAKUWAKU JAPAN and JTB making trips seen on TV available

- WAKUWAKU JAPAN Corporation (headquartered in Minato Ward, Tokyo, Masafumi Kawanishi, president & ...

AG&P unveils the first ultra-shallow draft small LNG carrier work horse for Southeast Asia’s stranded power markets

- AG&P (Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company), the leading infrastructure solutions provider, today announced the ...

Artificial intelligence can find, map poverty: Researchers

A new technique using artificial intelligence to read satellite images could aid efforts to eradicate global poverty ...

Natuna needs military bases: Mily chief

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has instructed the National Defense Forces (TNI) to build military bases on Natuna ...

Seven Indonesian sailors kidnapped in Philippines: Foreign minister

Seven Indonesian sailors have been taken hostage in the Sulu Sea in the southern Philippines, Indonesias foreign ...

Banjarmasin`s rivers as drivers of urban development

Banjarmasin, the capital city of South Kalimantan province, stands proudly on the banks of many rivers, with its ...

Bandung floods considered worst in 10 years

Floods have spread to wider areas across Indonesian provinces in the last few weeks, with the worst flood striking ...