
Collection of wave news, found 1.348 news.

Indonesia wins three ASEANTA 2016 awards

Indonesia has won awards in three out of the six categories of the ASEAN Tourism Awards (ASEANTA) 2016 at an event ...

Merck launches Vivera in Latin America

- Merck, a leading science and technology company, today announced the launch of its new consumer brand ...

Police had issued warning over likely terror attack: VP

The Indonesia State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the National Police (Polri) had issued a warning on the possibility ...

Perpetrators of Jakarta bombings carried firearms

The perpetrators behind the bomb blasts at the police check post and Starbucks Cofffee cafe near the Sarinah ...

Qualcomm and TDK form joint venture to provide industry-leading RF front-end solutions for mobile devices

- Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ:QCOM) and TDK Corporation (TOKYO:6762) today announced an agreement to ...

Palestinian stabs soldier in West bank, shot dead: Army

A Palestinian stabbed and wounded a soldier in the southern West Bank on Tuesday before being shot dead, the army ...

Merkel calls for unity, warns against refugee hate in New Year speech

German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Thursday in her New Years address the influx and integration of refugees "an ...

Brussels cancels NYE celebrations as Turkey holds IS `plotters`

Brussels on Wednesday cancelled New Years Eve celebrations due to terrorism fears as Europe prepared to see in 2016 ...

President highlights economic, political concerns at tni leadership meeting

President Joko Widodo spoke about economic and political concerns at the opening of the leadership meeting of the ...

Puan Maharani receives royal title from Buton Sultan

Coordinating Minister for Cultural and Human Development Puan Maharani is entitled to henceforth being called Waode ...

Independent Research Firm Cites Videology as a Leader among Video Advertising Demand-Side Platform Providers

Videology – a leading software provider for converged TV and video advertising – was among the select ...

Minister Maharani to support tourism development in Wakatobi

Coordinating Minister for Cultural and Human Development Puan Maharani made assurance to support the development of ...

US using sex, money to infiltrate Iran, supreme leader says

The United States is using sex, money and Western lifestyles to infiltrate Irans decision-making elite, the Islamic ...

Thousand migrants stranded on Macedonian border, tensions rise

Tensions rise on Sunday at the border between Macedonia and Greece where more than 1,000 migrants from countries in ...

Three Malaysian fishing vessels to be destroyed in Bengkalis

Three fishing vessels of Malaysian fishermen that the Indonesian court found guilty of poaching in the waters of Rupat ...