
Collection of webinar news, found 1.129 news.

Carbon tax bolsters efforts to lower GHG emissions: BRIN

The policy of implementing carbon tax strengthens Indonesia's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions ...

Eight provinces experiencing population aging: BKKBN

Eight Indonesian provinces are currently experiencing population aging, with the number of elderly people registering a ...

Strengthening monitoring of elderly women's health needed: BKKBN

The health of elderly women needs to be monitored more strongly because they face more risks that can affect their ...

Insurance industry has grown 8.67% annually in past 5 years: OJK

The insurance industry has clocked a growth of 8.67 percent per year on average in the past five years, chief executive ...

Indonesia promoting biofuels for people-centered energy transition

Indonesia is promoting the use of biofuels for achieving a fair, equitable, and people-centered energy transition, ...

Face-to-face learning must be conducted cautiously: ministry

Face-to-face learning must continue to be conducted cautiously given that the pandemic is not yet over, the ...

Ministry urges stakeholders to restore education services

Secretary-General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Suharti ...

Equal infrastructure distribution supports tourism revival: Ministry

Secretary-General of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Mira Tayyiba, emphasized that equality in ...

BRIN to again hold electric vehicle exhibition event IEMS

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) will hold the Indonesian electric vehicle exhibition Indonesia ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 nations support issues raised by Indonesia at DEWG: official

The G20 countries support the priority issues that Indonesia has raised at the forum, the Indonesian G20 ...

Indonesia needs Rp28 trillion to achieve net energy transition by 2060

Indonesia needs Rp28,233 trillion in investment to achieve the net energy transition target by 2060 or earlier, Finance ...

Plastic waste constituting 40-50 percent of total waste by 2050

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry Waste Reduction Director Sinta Saptarina Soemiarno cautioned that in the ...

Education, social security, and nation's successors

Education is one of the important aspects for forming the character of the future generation that will go on to ...

UI, Education Ministry cooperate to prevent bullying and violence

University of Indonesia (UI) has cooperated with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to ...

Electric buses expected to improve air quality: official

Electric buses are expected to improve the quality of polluted air because of the elimination of motor vehicle ...