Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Communication and Information has urged micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) players to use digital technology and innovate to survive and thrive in the increasingly advanced digital economy era.

Director of digital economy at the ministry's Informatics Application Directorate General, I Nyoman Adhiarna, told the media here on Saturday that the use of digital technology has become necessary for MSMEs to compete actively.

"MSMEs must utilize digital technology; it is a must," he stressed.

By utilizing digital platforms, MSMEs can expand their market coverage, improve operational efficiency, and increase their competitiveness.

It is also essential for MSMEs to innovate because, in the current digital economy era, to have been selling the same products or services for years is not enough, he added.

MSMEs need to continue to innovate, for example, in terms of their products, production process, marketing, and business strategies in order to remain relevant and attractive to consumers.

Apart from using digital technology and innovating, MSME players are also being encouraged to consider entering the global supply chain.

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Citing an example, he said that in developed countries in Europe, MSMEs can script success with just ten employees because they can export their products, build their own brands, and offer attractive product packaging.

Local MSMEs tend to rely on conventional ways and rarely innovate, he noted.

He then underlined the need for MSMEs to join the supply chain on a regional, national, and global scale to increase competitiveness and expand their business.

In this context, digital literacy is also considered essential. He explained that digital literacy involves the understanding of digital ethics, digital security, digital culture, and basic digital skills.

He affirmed that his ministry has programs to support the improvement of the community's digital literacy. In addition, the ministry is also offering programs that are more technical to help MSMEs adopt digital technology effectively.

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