Alor Island is among East Nusa Tenggara's famous islands and is well-known for its scenic beauty and culture. The ...
Human life over the past centuries continues to be shrouded in mystery and has become an area of study that piques the ...
Lying close to the Island of Belakangpadang, across from Batam Island and the Singapore Strait, Amat Belanda ...
To many travelers, the name of Galang village, Welak, West Manggarai District in East Nusa Tenggara may ...
The rains just stopped in the area of Meratus Mountains in South Kalimantan. A group of trekkers prepared to go ...
At the beginning of 2021, residents of the Greater Jakarta Area, including Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi, found ...
Looking to raise the national spirit and drive the importance of building a strong nation that is not easily ...
Soybean is the main raw material used in the manufacture of tempeh and tofu that are widely consumed by Indonesian ...
Tempe, or fermented soybean, was known as President Soeharto's favorite side dish. Even while preparing for a ...
Papua province is not only rich in natural resources, it is also home to countless diverse and unique ...
The Jailolo Bay Festival (FTJ), held on June 9-12 this year, drew from the philosophy of "diversity in unity" ...
The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and the South Australian Museum, supported by PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI), ...
A Javanese rhino gave birth to two calves at the Ujung Kulon National Park in Banten Province, according to the ...
Another language of luxury -- taste -- also becomes an addiction that sometimes makes humans lose their minds. In ...
Nutmeg, or Myristica fragrans Houtt, appears to thrive on almost all inhabited islands of Banda. The spice has held a ...