Explore Indonesia

Conserving Mapor customs to preserve nature, improve people's welfare

Far in the northernmost reaches of Bangka Island, precisely in Aikabik Hamlet, Gunungmuda Village, Bangka ...

Geoparks as sustainable approach to promoting economic recovery

It certainly comes as good news for Indonesia, with four of its national geoparks having received the green light for ...

The darling buds of Bali

Bali is so unlike the rest of Indonesia and seems unmoored from the archipelago. Before the island was scarred by ...

News Feature

Cherish the past, embrace the future in Belangian

Aunul Khoir, the head of Belangian Village, urged passengers of the traditional river boat klotok to have a moment to ...

News Focus

Saving Meratus Mountains with geopark concept

Meratus Mountains is the backbone for Kalimantan Island not only due to its backbone-like position dividing the island ...

Striving to preserve wayang kulit puppet-making in Cirebon

Sawiyah’s love for wayang kulit (traditional shadow puppetry) is evident from the fact that he has been making ...

News Feature

Revitalizing Jakarta Old Town to charm more visitors

The scorching sun failed to waver the enthusiasm of members of the community that continued their activity at West ...

News Feature

Miduana villagers' recipe for longevity: Living in harmony with nature

Hidden in the lush forest of Naringgul Sub-district, Cianjur, West Java, residents of Miduana customary village ...

Preserving Pangkak, Kangean Island's native cappella music art

Abu Jamin, 84, is the second generation running a vocal music group to preserve Pangkak, traditional a cappella music ...

Javan rhino, the unicorn from Ujung Kulon

Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is one of the five remaining species of rhino in the world and currently found ...

Establishing culinary tourism through rail transport concept in Madiun

- train and railway manufacturer PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA) (Persero) and train service provider PT Kereta Api ...

Grave visit tradition enlivens Eid celebrations in Banyumas

The tradition of grave visit enlivened celebrations of Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijr by the community in Banyumas district, ...

Teungku Syiek Kuta Karang Mosque, standing humbly for two centuries

Nestled between rice fields in Kuta Karang Village, Darul Imarah Sub-district, Aceh Besar District, Aceh, is a large ...

Corn rendang emerges as new souvenir option from Minangkabau

Rendang is a Minangnese food that is famous for its taste and was once the most delectable food in the world, according ...

Vacationing at Gili Trawangan "Party Island" of Lombok

Gili Trawangan Island, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, is one of the three islands in the northwest of Lombok ...