"In the working meeting and after hearing the government, we have agreed on a cut in budget allocations," Chairman of the House Commission XI, Ahmadi Noor Supit, said while chairing the meeting here on Monday.
The six ministries and institutions whose budget ceiling has been downsized, are the Finance Ministry, the National Development Planning Ministry/the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the State Audit Board (BPK), the Finance and Development Comptroller (BPKP) and the Institution for Government Goods and Service Procurement Policies (LKPP).
The Finance Ministry its budget for non-priority activities cut by Rp1.2 trillion, as a result of which its budget ceiling will come down to Rp38 trillion from Rp39.2 trillion previously.
The National Development Planning Ministry/the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) has the budget for its non-priority activities downsized by Rp40.2 billion, bringing its budget ceiling to Rp1.42 trillion from Rp1.46 trillion.
The budget ceiling of the BPS for non-priority activities has also been reduced by Rp573.3 trillion to Rp4.86 trillion from Rp5.43 trillion.
The BPK will also see its budget ceiling reduced Rp32.1 billion, from Rp3.47 trillion to Rp3.43 trillion.
The budget ceiling of BPKP has been reduced by Rp19.2 billion from Rp1.63 trillion to Rp1.61 trillion, while the budget ceiling of LKPP has been cut by Rp64.2 billion from Rp240.8 billion to Rp176.6 billion.(*)
Editor: Heru Purwanto
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