Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Industry Ministry is encouraging airplane maintainance, repair and overhaul (MRO) service industry to help boost Indonesia`s trade balance.

"Non-oil and gas commodity trade enjoys a surplus. Trade experiencing a negative balance is in the oil and gas sectgor. So, we are implementing a biodiesel 20 program with the use of palm oil. In the service sector, the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is pushing the MRO industry," Industry Minister Airlangga Hartarto said in Jakarta on Sunday.

The Ministry of Industry has projected that the business potential of the aircraft maintenance and repair industry in Indonesia in 2025 will reach 2.2 billion US dollars, a significant increase compared to that in 2016 amounting to 970 million US dollars.

This is in line with the government`s efforts to spur the development of the domestic aviation service industry since 2000 so that the performance of the aviation industry has been growing positively in the last decade.

In the labor sector, the global aviation industry currently absorbs 58 million people with an economic value of US$2.4 trillion.

It is estimated, in the next 20 years, the aviation industry is able to create employment for as many as 105 million people and contribute 6 trillion US dollars to the world`s Gross Domestic Product.

In addition to the MRO industry, the Minister continued, he also encouraged the program in the use of Domestic Component Level (TKDN). "If the TKDN is raised, we can contribute another 2 billion to the country," Airlangga added.

Reporting by Sella Pandurasa Gareta

Reporter: Antara
Editor: Andi Abdussalam
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