The price was set based on the Health Ministerial Decree No. HK.01.07/MENKES/4643/2021 on the purchasing price of Sinopharm vaccine and maximum service fee in Gotong Royong vaccination drive, Tarmizi said here on Sunday.
Based on the decree, the Sinopharm vaccination fee was set at Rp439,570 per person. It comprises the maximum price per dose which is set at Rp321,660, and maximum administration fee at Rp117,910, she said.
"As each person will need two doses of vaccines. Thus, the total price will be Rp879,140," she said.
Previously, Professor of pulmonology and respiratory medicine of the University of Indonesia Prof Tjandra Yoga Aditama said in an online discussion that the more people get vaccinated, the better.
"If possible more people should be vaccinated in whatever way, and the faster the vaccination is conducted the better," he said.
Related news: Govt assures of free COVID-19 vaccines for all
In fact, Indonesia has started vaccination program, not only for COVID-19, since years ago. "Free vaccine can be obtained in Public Health Centers (Puskesmas). In hospitals, we can get paid-vaccination," he said.
However, in some countries, vaccination is free of charge, he said.
The self-funded Gotong Royong vaccination campaign was launched on May 18, 2021.
Based on the Indonesian Health Ministry's Regulation No.10/2021 on the Gotong Royong Vaccination Scheme, all vaccine costs will be borne by participating companies under the program.
The government-funded vaccination program is using Sinovax vaccines bought from China and AstraZeneca vaccines received through the WHO-coordinated COVAX Facility.
Related news: Industry chamber mulls waiting list system for self-funded vaccination
Translator: Andi Firdaus, Sri Haryati
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
Copyright © ANTARA 2021