Biotechnology development in the world is very advanced, so many chemical-based or radiology-based treatments have slowly switched to biotechnology-based treatment.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin deems biodiversity as a vital asset for Indonesia to become a biotechnology-based medicine producer in the near future.

“Biotechnology development in the world is very advanced, so many chemical-based or radiology-based treatments have slowly switched to biotechnology-based treatment,” Sadikin stated in a speech at the 57th anniversary of National Health Day televised here on Friday.

Indonesia is blessed with extraordinary biodiversity, according to the minister.

In the western part of Indonesia, the flora and fauna resemble the Asian biodiversity, while those in the eastern part are the genomic-based ones in Australia, he highlighted.

“We have a blend of the two in the middle,” he remarked.

The existing biodiversity wealth and genomic diversity will be determining factors in making Indonesia one of the biotechnology-based medicine producers in future, Sadikin highlighted.

Health technology becomes one of the six health service system transformations to soon be conducted in the country, he added.

“Big data, artificial intelligence, and Internet of things are a necessity. They have been proven to help transform other industries, such as transportation, tourism, hotels, food industries, and banking,” he remarked.

The health industry in the near future will also be massively transformed with the help of advanced information technology (IT) either the diagnostic sides, screening, or delivery services to the public.

Related news: Domestic medicines to use TKDN materials: Health Ministry
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Translator: Andi Firdaus, Juwita Trisna
Editor: Sri Haryati
Copyright © ANTARA 2021