Jakarta (ANTARA) - Home Affairs Minister Muhammad Tito Karnavian has lauded the creative methods employed by Ternate city to encourage people to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Ternate city conducted a vaccination program that awarded door prizes such as motorbikes, refrigerators, bicycles, and basic needs to participating residents, Karnavian noted in a written statement received here on Thursday.

The minister said he reviewed COVID-19 vaccinations in Ternate city, North Maluku, on Thursday.

He said he witnessed an interesting thing during the program. One student, who looked about 12 years old, came alone to the vaccination site, confirmed participation with the health facility's management, and came back with parents, he recalled.

Aside from children, elderly people also participated in the program, Karnavian said.

The COVID-19 vaccination was held at the Dhuafa Center Building, Ternate, which is a center for the COVID-19 vaccination service, he informed. It was initiated by the North Maluku Police with the national defense force and the Ternate city government, he added.

Based on observations, there were five health facilities offering vaccination services using different brands such as AstraZeneca, Sinovac, and Pfizer, he said.

The minister reviewed the vaccination program with North Maluku Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba, Ternate Mayor M Tauhid Solemen, North Maluku Police chief Inspector General Risyapudin Nursin, and North Maluku State Intelligence Agency head Brigadier General Imam Sopingi.

Related news: BIN steps up vaccinations for North Maluku students
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Translator: Boyke Ledy W, Mecca Yumna
Editor: Suharto
Copyright © ANTARA 2021