Jakarta (ANTARA) - The strength of children's protection from diseases depends on healthy and safe environmental conditions as well as immunization, government spokesperson for COVID-19, Reisa Broto Asmoro, has said.

"No matter what, children need protection," she stressed during a virtual health broadcast on Monday.

"We can give it to them and it comes from their surrounding family and environment, and also through complete vaccination of children," she added.

Children are among the groups most vulnerable to COVID-19. This is because COVID-19 vaccines can only be administered to children above the age of six, she informed.

"Meanwhile, for children under the age of six, they cannot yet receive COVID-19 vaccines because they are still in the research phase," she noted.

This makes their situation more dire due to the presence of other dangerous diseases. Hence, basic immunization has become important for protecting not only adults, but also children.

In addition, this vulnerability can be addressed by getting children to complete basic immunization at the nearest health facility, Asmoro said.

The government is currently holding the 2022 National Child Immunization Month (BIAN) as part of an effort to expedite the expansion of children’s immunization coverage in Indonesia, she explained.

To optimize health protection, parents must ensure that every child not only receives basic immunization, but also routine and complete immunization.

She said she expects all family members to get complete and booster vaccinations. This is because it would further secure children's environment.

Moreover, people must continue to follow the health protocols, such as wearing masks, around children to stem potential SARS-CoV-2 infection.

To this end, Asmoro said she expects all people to take their children to the nearest health facility for immunization and understand that stronger protection is necessary for children in confronting various viruses.

Related news: Teach children to lead clean, healthy lifestyle: Ministry
Related news: Optimize clinics at reopened schools: Education Ministry

Translator: Hreeloita D S, Fadhli Ruhman
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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