Thus, we will be able to know the recommended good practices that can be adopted in Indonesia in the aspects of handling, recovery, and prevention of electronic-based (cyber) sexual violence cases
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Commission on Violence against Women (Komnas Perempuan) is studying the handling of cyber sexual violence in Germany, the UK, South Korea, Australia, the Philippines, India, and Pakistan to adopt good practices.

"Thus, we will be able to know the recommended good practices that can be adopted in Indonesia in the aspects of handling, recovery, and prevention of electronic-based (cyber) sexual violence cases," a member of Komnas Perempuan Siti Aminah Tardi stated at a webinar titled "Knowledge Product Launch: Learning Cyber Violence Prevention & Handling Abroad" on Friday.

The study includes how the regulations in criminal law cover forms of cyber sexual violence in seven countries, efforts to support recovery of victims, especially the elimination of digital footprints, cyber sexual violence prevention strategies, and recommendations for good practices that can be adopted into the Indonesian law.

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The seven countries were selected on the basis of consideration of cases, case handling, prevention, and handling implementation for victims.

The study is conducted because Komnas Perempuan has recorded a drastic increase in reports of cyber sexual violence in Indonesia.

The commission recorded that cyber sexual violence reports increased, from 16 received in 2017 to 1,721 reports in 2021.

Thus, cyberspace is not yet a safe and comfortable space for users.

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Tardi noted that on one hand, the use of information technology provides benefits for developing knowledge, while on the other hand, it also has the potential to be a new space for crimes.

During Friday's webinar, she also pointed out that digital footprints were one of the obstacles in handling cyber sexual violence because, on one hand, victims do not want their documents to be spread out while reporting or seeking justice through the criminal justice system, while on the other hand, the criminal procedure law states that the evidence must be original.

Hence, when a sexual violence case is reported to the police, this issue becomes a consideration for how to prove the case in court.

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Translator: Anita Permata, Raka Adji
Editor: Fardah Assegaf
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