Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Health Ministry awarded 220 health workers at the 2022 Anugerah Nakes Teladan held at Sultan Hotel here on Friday.

The awards have been given as a form of appreciation for the important role played by health workers, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said.

"They not only sacrifice their time and energy, but also their life," he remarked during the event.

"This is the best moment for us to pray for our colleagues, the health workers, who have donated their body and mind for our nation and country's health," he added.

Health worker director general Arianti Anaya said that Anugerah Nakes Teladan has become an annual event held by the ministry.

After being suspended due to the pandemic, the event was held once again in an online format this year as part of the 58th National Health Day commemoration.

The award’s recipients comprised health workers from public health centers (Puskesmas), including doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, public health workers, medical laboratory technology experts (ALTM), environmental sanitation workers, pharmacy workers, and nutritional workers.

"The awards have also been given to health workers from regional government-owned hospitals. They have also been given to health workers from ministry-owned vertical hospitals," she informed.

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Thirteen types of medical professionals from regional government-owned hospitals received the awards, namely doctors, specialist doctors, dental specialists, dentists, nurses, midwives, and pharmacy workers.

They also included public health workers, nutritional workers, environmental health workers, physical skills workers, medical technicians, and biomedical engineering workers.

Meanwhile, 14 types of medical professionals from ministry-owned vertical hospitals were given the awards: doctors, specialists doctors, specialist dentists, dentists, clinical educators, nurses, and midwives.

They also included pharmacy workers, public health workers, nutritional workers, environmental health workers, physical skills workers, medical technicians, and biomedical engineering workers.

Awards were also bestowed on health workers who have dedicated themselves to serving people living in underdeveloped, border, and island areas (DTPK).

In addition, awards were also given to 29 model integrated health post (posyandu) workers and lecturers of high-achieving students, Anaya added.

The selection process for model health workers was undertaken gradually, starting from regional governments, local provincial health offices, to the central level, she explained.

"The expectation is that this event can be one of the good motivations for current chosen model health workers and posyandu workers, and become an inspiration for other health workers and posyandu workers," she remarked.

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Translator: Suci Nurhaliza, Fadhli Ruhman
Editor: Suharto
Copyright © ANTARA 2022