...Papua as a cultural unit is still unified in a big house: the Land of Papua.
Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA) - Papua remains home to a single cultural community although its area has been split into the provinces of Papua, West Papua, South Papua, Central Papua, Highland Papua, and Southwest Papua, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has emphasized.

"Although there are (six) different administrations now, Papua as a cultural unit is still unified in a big house: the Land of Papua. Papua is still one, not divided — only there are (different) administrations," he remarked.

He made the statement during a hearing with officials from the Papua provincial government, the Papuan Legislative Council (DPRP), and the Papuan People's Council (MRP) here on Tuesday.

Earlier, there were only West Papua and Papua provinces with Manokwari district and Jayapura city as their capitals, respectively.

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Now, four new provinces of South Papua, Central Papua, Highland Papua, and Southwest Papua have been established with their capitals in Merauke district, Nabire district, Jayawijaya district, and Sorong city, respectively.

The vice president said that the issuance of Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua provided a new mandate to establish the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Development of Special Autonomy for Papua (BP3OKP).

"It (the establishment of the steering committee) is both a task and an opportunity for all of us to build a foundation for (the acceleration of the development of) the people of Papua," he added.

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As the chair of BP3OKP, he said that the formation of the new provinces could expedite more equitable development in the Land of Papua.

“The establishment of these new provinces should be regarded as a game changer and a key to improving the (regional) development plans and public services, thus they are closer to (the interests of) the people," he noted.

Amin also invited all parties to strengthen coordination among the central, provincial, district, and city governments regarding the acceleration of development in the Land of Papua.

"It includes optimizing partnership and synergy with various related parties in maintaining (regional) security," he added.

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Translator: Desca Natalia, Uyu Liman
Editor: Fardah Assegaf
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