"It is hoped that the public can take full advantage of this program," Director General of Land Transportation, Hendro Sugiatno, said on Friday.a
He added that with the opening of the new batch, his office has provided a total quota of 40,088 for travelers.
"The system is the same as before: first come, first served," he said.
Sugiatno added that his office earlier opened the free homecoming program on March 6 with a quota of 30,088, both for the exodus and return flows.
He informed that of the 30,088 seats, 24,368 were for the exodus flow and 5,720 for the return flow. The directorate general also prepared 722 buses to transport travelers for free during the program.
"In detail, from the quota of 10,000 people that were just opened, the number of seats for going home was 8,680 and the return flow was 1,320," he added.
Sugiatno said that registrations for the entire quota will open from 08:00 a.m. local time on Saturday (March 30) on the MitraDarat application. Registrations will close once the quota is met.
The free homecoming program covers 26 cities, including Garut, Cirebon, Blora, Boyolali, Cilacap, Tegal, Demak, Jepara, Kebumen, Klaten, Magelang, Malang, Pekalongan, Bengkulu, Palembang, and Lampung.
"There are seven cities, namely Semarang, Purwokerto, Solo, Surabaya, Wonogiri, Yogyakarta, and Madiun, for the return flow departure," he added.
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Translator: M Harianto, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
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