Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration Abdul Halim Iskandar stated that digitalization in villages has many benefits, including in handling stunting and mitigating disasters.

"Stunting can be handled by digitalization; the information can be accessed in a very short time. All the problems in villages can be resolved, including disaster mitigation," he told the press here on Saturday.

He conveyed the statement after closing the Phase III Smart Village Digital Cadres Technical Training of 2024.

According to him, digitalization can be developed for villages that are prone to disasters, adding that many tools can be applied in villages for the early detection of disasters.

For digitalization, the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration has the Digital Village program, which is expected to be able to accelerate village development maximally, including through digitalization.

The technical guidance for digital cadres, he said, is also one of the developments of the Digital Village program.

Digital cadres are technical assistants in villages who have the role of developing village digital space, providing digital literacy to the community, and facilitating the community in preparing inclusive and participatory smart village activity plans according to the smart village pillars.

"To make village digitalization be carried out quickly, there are programs conducted by the village governments, including training or technical guidance for digital village cadres," he said.

He earlier expressed hope that digital cadres in villages can put the knowledge that they gained from the technical training into practice.

The minister invited villages' digital cadres as well as village governments and communities to join hands in developing villages.

Apart from that, he also asked all the cadres participating in the phase III technical training to continue to maintain ties that had been forged during their 10-day technical training in Jakarta.

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Translator: Tri Meilani, Raka Adji
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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