Padang, West Sumatra (ANTARA) - The number of casualties of a flash flood in three regions in West Sumatra province on Saturday has increased to 27, the local authority said.

The spokesperson of West Sumatra's Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), Ilham, said on Sunday that among the victims, 16 were residents of Agam District and 11 were from Tanah Datar District.

The bodies have been transported to Achmad Mochtar Hospital in Bukittinggi and Tanah Datar Regional General Hospital, and some coffins have been sent to their respective families, Ilham said.

However, the number of casualties might increase as the identification process of other victims is ongoing.

Ilham added the joint rescue team has continued its search operations for the other victims still missing.

Meanwhile, West Sumatra Governor Mahyeldi expressed his condolences and affirmed his commitment to proper disaster mitigation for its residents.

The governor has instructed provincial authorities to collaborate with authorities of disaster-affected districts.

"We are coordinating with all stakeholders to ensure a prompt disaster response," he stated.

Mahyeldi also reminded residents living close to river flows to remain vigilant to potential floods since the weather might continue to be unfavorable in the upcoming days.

Moreover, the governor instructed Achmad Mochtar Hospital in Bukittinggi to provide all flood victims required medical treatment at the hospital without exception. The hospital was the closest major referral hospital from regions affected by the flood, he noted.

"Every victim should be admitted and given medical treatment (at the hospital). Concerning the funding issue, the provincial authority will help resolve it," he stated.

The flash flood on Saturday affected three regions in West Sumatra, namely Agam District, Tanah Datar District, and Padang Panjang City, damaging residential areas and forcing residents to seek shelter in safer areas.

The flood cut off the main roads connecting the three affected areas with Padang City, the provincial capital. While the Agam-Padang City road was blocked by landslides, the Padang Panjang-Padang City road collapsed due to the flood.

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Translator: Miko Elfisha, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
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