Jakarta (ANTARA) - State-owned Enterprises Ministry is to implement a four-day workweek scheme in its office with the hope of improving the well-being of its employees.

"The State-owned Enterprises Ministry is finalizing the regulation right now," the ministry's deputy for human resources, technology, and information management, Tedi Bharata, stated after attending the Day of Silence commemoration here on Sunday.

The ministry is also preparing a digital platform to support the four-day workweek scheme, which has seen a surge in interest in recent years.

More and more companies worldwide are giving it a try, even making it permanent. This means employees work four days, typically 32 hours, while still getting their full salary.

Bharata said an extra off day is expected to improve the well-being of the employees, which will positively impact their work performance in the office.

"Well-being is one of the aspects we need to take care of for our employees," he said.

However, he affirmed that the four-day workweek will be available only for employees who have recorded good performance in the office.

"We are keen to have their productivity increasing. Hence, we need to innovate through new programs, including the one we are currently planning for the State-owned Enterprises Ministry," the ministry deputy remarked.

State-owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir, for the first time, announced the plan to set up the four-day workweek scheme for employees of his ministry last March.

The minister highlighted that 70 percent of the younger generation have mental health issues. To address the issue, the ministry strategized by devising a "compressed working schedule" scheme.

Thohir said that under the scheme, employees who have worked more than 40 hours in one week are qualified for an extra day off on Friday.

"We push (the scheme) not to make employees indolent. It also does not mean that every Friday is an off day. Only employees who have worked for more than 40 hours in the week can register (for the extra off-day)," he stated on March 7.

"We will make two Fridays in each month available for the extra day off. We will implement this," Thohir added.

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Translator: Rizka Khaerunnisa, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
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