Jakarta (ANTARA) - President director of state health insurer BPJS Kesehatan, Ghufron Mukti, on Monday urged hospital managers to abstain from reducing the number of patient care beds in order to meet the Standard Inpatient Care (KRIS).

He made this statement in response to the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2024 concerning health insurance that regulates the criteria for KRIS.

"We urge hospitals to maintain their current bed capacity and fulfill all 12 KRIS criteria," Mukti emphasized.

Article 46A of the presidential regulation stipulates the criteria for standard inpatient care and service facilities, such as building components that have a low level of porosity, the availability of air vents, room lighting, beds, and proper room temperature.

In addition, service providers need to divide inpatient rooms based on the gender of patients, children, and adults, as well as patients with infectious or non-infectious diseases.

Other criteria are that health service providers must consider the density of the inpatient room and the bed quality, curtains or partitions between beds, indoor bathrooms that meet accessibility standards, and the provision of oxygen outlets.

The beds provided for BPJS Kesehatan Class III patients are in standard rooms with six to 10 beds per room.

According to Mukti, a reduction in the number of inpatient beds could lead to longer wait times for accessing inpatient services.

He highlighted that Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2024, signed by President Joko Widodo on May 8, also regulates the rights of National Health Insurance (JKN) participants to upgrade their class by paying more, which can be paid by employers, participants, and private health insurers.

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Translator: Andi F, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
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