Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) paid a visit to the Rupit Regional General Hospital (RSUD) in North Musi Rawas District, South Sumatra Province, on Thursday.

During his visit, he reviewed the adequacy of human resources and medical equipment, emphasizing the importance of improving electricity infrastructure.

"I am happy to learn that human resources, doctors, and specialists in this hospital are adequate," Jokowi noted in a statement from his office on Thursday.

The president remarked that the hospital had received medical equipment from the Ministry of Health, including surgical and CT scan equipment.

However, the head of state drew attention to the important problem in this hospital, namely inadequate electricity supply. Addressing this issue, Jokowi immediately called the president director of state-owned electricity company, PLN.

"This hospital is lacking electricity supply from PLN. I immediately called the PLN president director to resolve it as quickly as possible," the president stated.

Jokowi pointed out that Rupit Hospital was not the only institution in North Musi Rawas District to have been experiencing electrical issues.

His visit to the hospital is part of the government's efforts to ensure adequate infrastructure support for health facilities in Indonesia, especially in remote areas.

Apart from Rupit Hospital, the president is also scheduled to review Lawang Agung Market to check commodity prices as well as hand over assistance to traders.

Furthermore, Jokowi will head to Musi Rawas District to inspect health facilities and services at Dr. Sobirin Hospital and thereafter depart for Lubuklinggau City to inspect the Lubuklinggau Bulog Warehouse and hand over food aid to beneficiaries.

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Translator: Rangga Pandu A J, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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