Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry held the 2024 Kampus Merdeka Fair in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Teachers (PGRI) University, West Sumatra.

Various stakeholders, including academicians, local governments, business and industrial partners, and students, attended the 2024 Kampus Merdeka Fair.

"Through the Kampus Merdeka Fair, we hope more good stories and constructive feedback will be conveyed,” the ministry’s Director General of Vocational Education, Kiki Yuliati, noted in a statement received here on Friday.

Yuliati expressed hope that through the fair, more people would be inspired to participate in the country’s higher education transformation, especially on Sumatra Island, through the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), or the Freedom in Learning and Campus program.

She highlighted that the MBKM, as a driver for the success of higher education transformation in Indonesia, has been proven to have a significant impact on all stakeholders.

Yuliati remarked that the program has attracted more than 1.2 million students, one thousand universities, and 5,200 partners in the business and industrial world.

She noted that the implementation of the program has had a real positive impact on several campuses.

She affirmed that MBKM's success, until now, can be seen and felt through various development programs, such as through the implementation of MBKM Mandiri for independent learning.

"MBKM Mandiri encourages autonomy and flexibility of higher education in carrying out a flexible learning process, so that graduates remain relevant to the business world and industry," she stated.

Yuliati remarked that higher educational institutions are expected to implement various MBKM Mandiri programs and maintain the sustainability of the flagship program in their respective institutions.

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Translator: Sean, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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