Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has prepared a budget of Rp14.69 trillion (US$878 million) for the 2025 Smart University Indonesia Card (KIP Kuliah) program for 1,040,192 recipients.

"The budget allocation increased, from Rp13.99 trillion to Rp14.69 trillion next year," the ministry's Secretary General, Suharti, stated in a working meeting with Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) on Wednesday.

However, the 2025 KIP tuition indicative ceiling of Rp14.69 trillion is slightly lower than the proposed budget for the 2025 fiscal year of Rp14.73 trillion, she explained.

KIP Kuliah program is a Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) for Higher Education targeting students from low-income or vulnerable family backgrounds to help them study in superior study programs at both state universities (PTN) and private universities (PTS), she elaborated.

Suharti remarked that recipients for KIP Kuliah are high school graduates or equivalent and are accepted at accredited universities in accredited study programs through all university enrollments, such as the Achievement-based National Selection (SNBP), Text-based National Selection (SNBT), or independent test.

Recipients of KIP Kuliah must meet economic requirements that include several priorities, with the first priority being holders of KIP SMA or equivalent or the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP).

For the second priority, recipients must be listed in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) or recipients of social assistance from the Family Hope Program (PKH), Prosperous Family Card (KKS), or recorded in a maximum of category three for the Acceleration of Elimination of Extreme Poverty (PPKE)/Targeting the Elimination of Extreme Poverty (P3KE).

The third priority is children in orphanages or social institutions, while the fourth priority is low-income or vulnerable families, with a combined income of parents or guardians of Rp4 million per month or the combined gross income of parents or guardians divided by the number of family members at a maximum of Rp750 thousand per person, with proof of a Certificate of Incapacity (SKTM).

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Translator: Astrid Faidlatul H, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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