Jakarta (ANTARA) - Director general of electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Jisman Hutajulu, informed that the blackout experienced in several areas on Sumatra Island has nearly been resolved.

"Blackout on Sumatra Island has almost fully recovered," he said after attending a working meeting with Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) on Wednesday.

However, Hutajulu did not have complete information regarding the cause of the blackout.

Based on his knowledge, the relay (function to control the electricity flow) is working well. When a disturbance occurs, the electricity flow is cut off.

He has asked state-owned electricity company PT PLN to carry out mitigation steps to prevent more blackouts.

"This blackout must be investigated and audited. Do not let it happen again. That is an order from the ESDM Minister," he emphasized.

Earlier, PT PLN deployed 130 personnel to repair transmission issues at the Lubuklinggau-Lahat 275 kV high-voltage overhead transmission line (SUTT), which affected the supply of electricity in the South Sumatra, Jambi, and Bengkulu working areas.

"We work quickly to overcome electrical problems occurring on several transmission networks on Sumatra Island by deploying 130 joint personnel," PLN's communications and CSR manager of the South Sumatra, Jambi, and Bengkulu Main Distribution Unit, Iwan Arissetyadhi, informed.

He said that personnel on the field are focusing on normalizing the electricity network.

"We have now reached 90 percent normalization of blackout due to the Lubuklinggau-Lahat 275 kV SUTT transmission disruption, which occurred on Tuesday (June 4, 2024)," Arissetyadhi added.

Meanwhile, Empat Lawang district experienced another power outage on Wednesday morning.

He said that the operator would check whether the outage was a local issue or related to the Lubuklinggau-Lahat 275 kV SUTT disruption.

Once the electricity supply is completely restored and returns to normal, related parties will investigate the cause of the blackout.

Translator: Putu Indah S, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
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