Jakarta (ANTARA) - Head of the Domestic Policy Strategy Agency (BSKDN) of the Home Affairs Ministry, Yusharto Huntoyungo, has urged regions to manage the 2024 Regional Election budget effectively to realize safe and conducive elections.

He made the statement during a working visit to Central Sulawesi on Tuesday (June 4, 2024) with Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR) to discuss the preparation and readiness for the regional elections.

Speaking on the regional election budget shortage in Donggala district, Huntoyungo, in a statement issued in Jakarta on Wednesday, informed that his agency is coordinating with the acting director general of regional financial development to resolve the issue.

He noted that the problem of regional election budget management is not limited to Donggala district, but also concerns other regions.

Regarding this matter, based on its duties and functions, the BSKDN will help regions carry out more effective and efficient financial management.

"Because this case is found in a district, the government, together with the provincial government, will provide assistance in the regional financial management assistance for Donggala district," he informed.

He emphasized that encouraging innovation in regions could also prompt regional governments to improve the democratic climate in their respective areas.

Therefore, the Regional General Election Commission (KPUD), as the organizer of the regional elections, needs to continue to make innovations so that election implementation can be improved.

"Together with the Kesbangpol (National and Political Unity Agency), we likely will conduct profiling on the innovations, especially for KPUD, to be distributed through our innovation platform in the Ministry of Home Affairs," he said.

The BSKDN has currently rolled out the Tuxedovation application, which stores data on various innovations.

The application can serve as a reference for regions to grow their innovation ecosystem more effectively and efficiently.

Translator: Narda Margaretha, Raka Adji
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
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