Jakarta (ANTARA) - The House of Representatives (DPR) has lauded the government's consistent support of the Palestinian cause and assistance to the Palestinian people, Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi stated here on Wednesday.

"Commission I (of the DPR) commended the government's consistency in defending humanity and justice for the Palestinian nation, as mandated by our Constitution," she said after a meeting with Commission I.

She added that during the meeting, members of the parliamentary commission expressed their support for the independence of Palestine, highlighting that it has been mandated by the Constitution.

Hence, the parliament is determined to back the Foreign Ministry in its efforts to support the Palestinian cause and independence, Marsudi stated.

"We agree that our fight (for Palestine) is still a long way to go, and Commission I supports the government to continue its struggle for Palestine," she added.

During the meeting, Marsudi also outlined Indonesia's priorities in supporting the Palestinian cause, which include realizing an immediate and permanent ceasefire, bolstering humanitarian assistance, and building pressure for adherence to the International Court of Justice's decisions.

The minister also informed that the parliamentary commission supports improvements to the ministry's "minimum essential diplomatic infrastructure."

"Including to purchase new buildings for embassies and guest houses, which will help economize the state budget in the long run," she said.

The parliament also supports the ministry's efforts to improve the livelihood of Indonesian diplomats and local staff at Indonesian embassies, she added.

"Concerning the living standard, we also take into account the country's financial conditions. Nonetheless, Praise be to God, we have addressed some of our issues, and it will hugely optimize our diplomacy works," the minister said.

Related news: FM Marsudi highlights Indonesia's priorities in backing Palestine
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Translator: Melalusa Susthira, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
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