Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Standardization Agency (BSN) is strengthening efforts to standardize carbon capture storage (CCS) in a bid to achieve the emission reduction target in Indonesia through initiatives, such as hosting an ISO/TC 265 meeting.

"To accelerate emission reduction to achieve the Net Zero Emissions (NZE) target, standards play a quite strategic role," Deputy of Standard Development at BSN Hendro Kusumo stated in a press conference here on Thursday.

Kusumo made the statement after the 18th Plenary Meeting and Working Group Meetings of ISO/TC 265 – Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage in Jakarta.

Kusumo noted that hosting the international meeting was part of BSN's support for the government's commitment to achieving NZE by 2060 or sooner.

The meeting, held on June 3-7, is aimed at supporting BSN's efforts to provide the required standard reference regarding CCS and its implementation in Indonesia.

He said that ISO/TC 265 has so far published 13 standards, and four of them have been adopted as Indonesian National Standard (SNI) to support the implementation of Carbon Economic Value in the country.

He stated that the presence of a standard enables interoperability through data exchange using references of provisions for effective and efficient work methods that pay attention to safety, security, and environmental preservation.

He ensured that the ISO/TC 265 standard was developed by international experts and, at the same time, enabled developing countries, including Indonesia, to obtain knowledge transfer and provide inputs for national interests.

On the same occasion, Deputy of Maritime Sovereignty and Energy at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment Jodi Mahardi stated that the meeting is a global and Indonesia collaboration due to the urgency of carrying out decarbonization.

"The government is taking all approaches, from going into renewables to also using nature-based solutions," he remarked.

He further highlighted that technology-based solutions, such as CCS, which had been implemented in other countries for years and proven able to conduct decarbonization, can also be applied in Indonesia.

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Translator: Prisca Triferna, Raka Adji
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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