Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, urged regional governments to remain vigilant and not be lulled into complacency by the national inflation rate of 2.84 percent recorded last month.

"The national figure should not cause euphoria as it does not necessarily reflect inflation rates in individual regions," he said in a statement on Monday.

Citing data from Statistics Indonesia, Karnavian highlighted that dozens of provinces, municipalities, and districts still faced high inflation rates as of June 9.

These areas included Gorontalo, North Sumatra, North Sulawesi, Ambon City, Medan City, Batam City, Nabire District, Karo District, and Central Aceh District.

He called on regional leaders to redouble their efforts to control and stabilize inflation. He also instructed them to identify the specific causes of the high inflation rates in their areas.

Karnavian suggested that regional leaders pay close attention to the prices and availability of key food commodities like chilies, chicken meat, and shallots.

"It's crucial for the Ministry of Agriculture and regional governments to develop strategies to increase shallot production in regions facing persistent shortages," he emphasized.

He stressed the importance of taking measures to anticipate the surge in demand for various food items ahead of this year's Eid al-Adha celebration.

"The upcoming Eid al-Adha celebration is expected to cause a temporary rise in demand for certain food items," he remarked.

To address the situation, Karnavian directed regions to monitor commodities contributing to high inflation rates and coordinate with relevant parties.

"I want every region to take concrete steps to address the issue," he concluded.

Related news: Indonesia records deflation in May; first since Aug 2023
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Translator: Narda M, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Anton Santoso
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