The number of 213,320 pilgrims is the highest quota in the history of Indonesian Hajj implementation.
Mecca, Saudi Arabia (ANTARA) - The Religious Affairs Ministry has said that the absorption of the 2024 regular Hajj quota has been the highest in history, reaching a total of 213,320.

"The number of 213,320 pilgrims is the highest quota in the history of Indonesian Hajj implementation. Until the departure closes, as many as 213,275 pilgrims have departed for the Holy Land," the ministry's spokesperson, Anna Hasbie, informed here on Tuesday.

The arrival phase of Indonesian pilgrims for this year's Hajj worship in the Holy Land ended on Tuesday.

The last three clusters of Hajj pilgrims from Indonesia landed at the King Abdul Aziz International Airport (KAAIA) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, at 5:43 local time the same day.

The three clusters comprised SUB 104 and SUB 105 embarkation from Surabaya with a total of 371 people, followed by the SUB 106 cluster with a total of 324 people.

Indonesia's Hajj quota for this year was 241 thousand. The figure comprised the regular Hajj pilgrim quota of 213,320 and a quota of 27,680 for special Hajj candidates. Both the regular and special quota figures were the highest in Indonesia in the history of Hajj implementation.

Meanwhile, out of the registered Hajj pilgrims, 45 prospective pilgrims failed to depart for different reasons. As the visa process is closed, it is no longer possible to send others in their place.

Thus, the 2024 Hajj participants' absorption in Indonesia has reached 99.98 percent.

Currently, the Indonesian pilgrims are still in Mecca. They are preparing to undergo the peak of Hajj worship in Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Mina (Armuzna). The pilgrims will leave their hotels for Arafah on June 14.

Related news: Indonesian Hajj deaths rise to 32: Ministry

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Translator: Asep F, Kenzu
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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