Jakarta (ANTARA) - Head of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT), Commissioner Gen. Pol. Mohammed Rycko Amelza Dahniel, listed three strategies for preventing and eradicating terrorism in cyberspace on Thursday.

During a working meeting with Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR), he said that the three strategies will be carried out in collaboration with 48 ministries/institutions that are a part of the national action plan for preventing and dealing with violent extremism that leads to terrorism (RAN PE).

When content containing intolerance, radicalism, extremism, and terrorism (IRET) is circulating but is not being read or accessed by citizens in cyberspace yet, a pre-emptive strike strategy will be carried out, which will involve carrying out cyber patrols, removing the content, and launching counter narratives, he informed.

Second, he said, when IRET content in cyberspace starts to be read and influences people's way of thinking, a preventive strike strategy will be implemented through cyber patrols, takedowns, and counter narratives.

It will also involve face-to-face socialization of vulnerable groups, women, children, and teenagers on a massive scale.

"(This will be done) By mobilizing the Peace School, Nationality Campus, 'Siap Siaga' Village in order to build resilience and protection programs for teenage girls to build family resilience and community resilience," he said.

Third, when IRET content in cyberspace has influenced the attitudes and actions of citizens, a restorative strike strategy will be implemented, which will involve training by carrying out law enforcement and de-radicalization, he disclosed.

He said that in 2023, BNPT took down 1,992 IRET-related content on social media.

"Other ministries/agencies such as Densus 88 Polri carried out (the removal of) 5,670 contents, Bareskrim 76 contents, TNI 56 contents, Kominfo 1,863 contents," he informed.

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Translator: Melalusa Susthira Khalida, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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