Semarang, C Java (ANTARA) - Indonesia's Ministry of Human Development and Culture has said that a shortage of human resources or personnel remains a challenge in recording stunting cases in the field.

Expert staff to the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Agus Suprapto, said here on Friday evening that stunting data collection is being carried out via electronic Community Nutrition Data Collection (e-PPGBM).

"The data collection via e-PPGBM was carried out during June, which will include measurement and weighing (of toddlers). Inputting the data takes energy and time," he added.

Furthermore, he said that data collection was carried out starting from the integrated health post (posyandu) level, then the data was reported to the village-level stunting reduction acceleration team (TPPS), and thereafter to districts, provinces, and the central government.

Therefore, he explained that his side needs about one week to wait for the completion of data collection on e-PPGBM.

Suprapto asked all regional apparatus responsible for data collection to maximize the data input via e-PPGBM for one week.

"All regions are expected to maximize the input of data on the measurement and weighing (of toddlers)," he said.

Meanwhile, he added, posyandus can help each other, with the support of local governments.

"We can help posyandus who encounter problems. However, what is clear is that the regions have made efforts to optimize the implementation," he added.

As of Friday, 89 percent of the data from posyandus has entered the e-PPGBM.

Regarding the target for reducing stunting to 14 percent by the end of 2024, the government is striving to realize the goal and working across sectors to address stunting.

"The government keeps working hard, which means coordination and collaboration of all government sectors, where 19 ministries and agencies jointly develop their programs," he said.

Related news: Indonesia revises 2024 stunting rate target to under 20 percent
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Translator: Redemptus S, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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