Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar as-Syarif University, Ahmad Muhammad Ahmed al-Tayeb, discussed Indonesia-Egypt relations and the conflict in Gaza during a meeting at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on Tuesday.

Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi conveyed this information to reporters after accompanying the president to the bilateral meeting.

"The main objective of the visit (of the grand sheikh) is to continue promoting moderate Islam and interfaith dialogue," she remarked.

Marsudi quoted Jokowi as saying that Egypt has long been among the most popular study destinations for Indonesian academicians, noting that 95 percent of Indonesians residing in Egypt are students.

"The grand sheikh said that he had never heard of any problems involving any of the over 13 thousand Indonesian students there. This statement indicates that he views Indonesian students as academicians with good character," she pointed out.

During the meeting, President Jokowi voiced his commitment to supporting the establishment of a development center for the existing Al-Azhar branch in Indonesia, she remarked.

Regarding the prolonged conflict in Palestine's Gaza, she noted that Jokowi and al-Tayeb are on the same page regarding the need for the international community to continue pushing for a lasting ceasefire and uninterrupted distribution of humanitarian aid to those in need.

"The grand sheikh seconded Mr. President's view on the need to immediately put an end to the war and achieve peace," she stated.

To achieve those goals, she said al-Tayeb emphasized the importance of all countries, especially Muslim states, uniting to echo the messages of peace for Palestine.

"Mr. President said he is confident that the grand sheikh's push for peace would mean a lot to the nation of Palestine," she stated.

Marsudi further remarked that the president also spotlighted the importance of intensifying interfaith dialogues in a bid to promote tolerance and peace, with the end goal of preventing extremist beliefs and Islamophobia from flourishing.

"The president said tolerance is integral to the highly pluralistic Indonesian nation. He also briefed him (al-Tayeb) on the state ideology of Pancasila (Five Principles) and state motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity)," she remarked.

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Translator: Andi F, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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