Jakarta (ANTARA) - House of Representative's Commission IX deputy chair, Kurniasih Mufidayati, has urged the Ministry of Health and related stakeholders to address the issue of high drug prices in the domestic market without delay.

"We are quite surprised and concerned to hear many public complaints about the unexpected rise in medication costs," Mufidayati told TVR Parlemen's YouTube channel on Friday.

"We hope the Ministry of Health and perhaps other related ministries can address this issue promptly," she said.

Mufidayati emphasized that affordable medications are a fundamental right. Their high cost creates a burden for citizens.

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin revealed that drug prices in Indonesia tend to be three to five times higher compared to Malaysia.

He conveyed the information after attending an internal meeting with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, on July 2, 2024, which discussed the medical equipment and medicines industry.

The minister said that the high price of medicines in Indonesia is not necessarily due to taxes, but rather trade inefficiencies.

"Taxes are around 20–30 percent, it is unlikely (to influence prices)," he expounded.

"How can we explain the price difference of 300 percent to 500 percent? After reviewing the situation, we found inefficiencies in trading, buying, and selling, and problems with procurement management," he said.

Therefore, the minister added, there needs to be more transparent governance to find the cheapest possible combination for procuring medical equipment and medicines.

Minister Sadikin will also hold discussions with domestic medical device manufacturers and pharmaceutical associations to find solutions to the issue.

Related news: Lawmaker calls for state intervention to lower medicine prices
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Translator: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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