Palembang, S Sumatra (ANTARA) - Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, led routine preparations and simulation on forest and land fires in Palembang, South Sumatra, on Saturday.

While leading the routine, Hartarto emphasized that smoke from such fires can negatively impact several sectors, including health, transportation, and socio-economy, due to the impact on transportation activities.

He called for the need to handle forest and land fires through real actions.

In 2022, economic losses due to forest and land fires in South Sumatra reached Rp42.7 billion (around US$2.6 million), with Ogen Komering being the most impacted district.

This has shown the urgency to develop effective and sustainable prevention steps against forest and land fires.

On that occasion, Hartarto conveyed directives regarding forest and land fire control from President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"First, forest and land fire prevention must be prioritized. Do not be late on this," he emphasized.

The minister also called for organized field management, such as promptly communicating about a small fire in a village or forest area to ensure quicker handling.

"All elements must move to carry out early detection and monitor hotspots," he remarked.

All forest and land fire task forces in the regions are expected to update information by utilizing the latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), and the Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) to handle the affected public services.

He also expressed hope that forest and land fires would not recur every year while calling on all parties to find permanent solutions to the disaster.

"Peat ecosystem development in hydrological areas, such as peat water management and canal blocking, must be continued," he said.

Meanwhile, he pressed for stringent law enforcement against the perpetrators of forest and land fires to have a deterrent effect.

"There must be strict law enforcement against anyone who burns forests and land, be it in concessions owned by corporations or in the community," he noted.

Related news: Peak of dry season sparking land, forest fires: Minister

Related news: Regional government urged to create special regulation for forest fire

Translator: Ahmad B, Kenzu
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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