Jayapura, Papua (ANTARA) - The Papua provincial government, along with the Indonesian Military (TNI), National Police (Polri), and related agencies, expressed their commitment to holding the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) democratically, safely, and peacefully.

However, local governments, election organizers, and the TNI-Polri cannot realize that alone.

The community needs to contribute to creating quality Pilkada in order to elect trusted and legitimate regional leaders.

To realize this, elements of society should partake in supervising all stages of Pilkada so that its implementation in Papua follows rules.

The Pilkada in Papua, scheduled to be held on November 27, 2024, is projected to present different challenges than the Presidential and Legislative or the General Election in February.

Hence, to this end, collaboration and synergy between the local governments and the security forces are deemed necessary to anticipate potential disturbances.

In February's General Election, as many as 1,297 polling stations in the Papua region canceled the voting process due to several factors, such as weather, security, conflict threats, and disruption from separatists.

To anticipate these various problems, the Papua Regional Police sought assistance from the Polri Headquarters to send the Nusantara Mobile Brigade (Brimob) units to help secure the implementation of Pilkada in Papua.

Chief of the Papua Regional Police, Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri, stated that the Brimob Nusantara units will be alerted at several points to facilitate the mobility of personnel in the event of security disturbances.

The exact number of Brimob Nusantara personnel to be deployed to secure the regional elections in Papua is not yet known, but they will indubitably contribute to realizing the smooth implementation of Pilkada there.

Related news: VP hopes situation in Papua remains safe ahead of regional election

Community's role
Various preparations have so far been made to anticipate security threats. In addition to strengthening personnel, the Papua Regional Police has approached community and religious leaders to ensure their participation in preventing disturbances.

"We hope that the entire community will not be easily provoked by hoaxes spread by irresponsible groups," Fakhiri emphasized.

Meanwhile, his side also held the Tabligh Akbar, or mass religious meeting, in an effort to facilitate the creation of conducive conditions ahead of the regional election.

On that occasion, the police invited all Papuan residents to maintain public security and order so that it remained conducive. These efforts are made so Pilkada can run according to the schedule.

The 2024 Pilkada , as a form of democracy to elect legitimate regional leaders, is marked by differences in choices. Nevertheless, differences in choices should not impact social ties and create disunity among members of the public.

Fakhiri admitted that the Papua region is one of the furthest provinces from the capital city, which needs specific attention, considering its geographical condition and vulnerability to security threats.

The Papua provincial government has formed a team to monitor and supervise the neutrality of the state apparatus (ASN) in the upcoming Pilkada.

In accordance with the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) and the ASN Law, ASNs are prohibited from being involved in the election candidate teams.

All ASNs, including mayors and district heads in Papua, must pay attention to this issue.

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian also reaffirmed that ASNs must maintain their neutrality in Pilkada.

Hence, state apparatuses should comply with this rule in order to ensure fair, safe, and smooth 2024 Regional Head Elections in Papua.

Acting Governor of Papua Ridwan Rumasukun reminded the regions' ASNs and officials who are running as candidates in the elections to resign.

Meanwhile, regional leadership communication forums (Forkopimda), religious leaders, customary leaders, and the community can provide their support so that the best and legitimate regional heads can be elected.

"We remind candidates who will run in the Regional Head Elections to maintain security in Papua and uphold ethics by not knocking each other down," Rumasukun remarked.

The Jayapura city government has also made the same efforts in order to realize a safe Pilkada this year.

The Pilkada this year in Jayapura City, as the capital city of Papua Province, may receive more attention in the mayor and governor elections.

Acting Mayor of Jayapura, Christian Sohilait, said his side had checked the readiness of 150 CCTVs spread across the districts of North Jayapura and Heram to support security ahead of the elections.

The government, security personnel, and other stakeholders must focus on election security in Jayapura City.

"We want all stages, including the vote recapitulation, to run well. That is why we keep coordinating with the security personnel," Sohilait remarked.

Sohilait explained that his side, in collaboration with the Jayapura City Police and the Jayapura District Military, will map regions vulnerable to security risks.

Finally, all efforts aim to realize the peaceful running of Pilkada in Papua. A smooth and safe election will result in leaders that will bring greater prosperity to Papuan residents.

Related news: TNI, Polri ready to secure Papua's election logistics delivery

Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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