North Penajam Paser, East Kali (ANTARA) - The Health Ministry is preparing medical teams and health facilities for the Independence Day ceremony at the new national capital (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan in August 2024.

"Medical teams and health facilities will be on standby from August 14–18, 2024, for the state event at IKN," the ministry's director of health service governance, Sunarto, informed on Wednesday.

He said that the initial stage began with the delivery of equipment and agencies and functional testing of small-sized room equipment for mini intensive care units (ICUs) and health posts.

Before the state events, simulation and training will be carried out by the Ministry of State Secretariat and Presidential Security Guards (Paspampres) team from August 10–13, Sunarto added.

The health facilities prepared by the Ministry of Health will consist of two sets of mini ICUs and specialist medical teams for VVIP and VIP guests respectively, along with five health posts around invitees' tents and for ceremony participants.

"Some 18 ambulances with advanced life support/ALS and basic life support/BLS are also (being) prepared to evacuate patients in the mini ICU and health posts," he said.

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Sunarto informed that his party has also readied several hospitals, namely Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Regional General Hospital (RSUD), AW Sjachranie Hospital, Beriman Hospital, Ratu Aji Putri Botung Hospital, Sepaku Hospital, Dr. Hardjanto Hospital, Pertamina Hospital, Bhayangkara Hospital, and Siloam Hospital.

"The vertical Central General Hospital (RSUP) at IKN will also be used specifically for emergency room and ICU services for observation," he added.

Meanwhile, the acting deputy head of IKN Nusantara Authority (OIKN), Raja Juli Antoni, said that health services for state events at IKN are being prepared under the coordination of the Health Ministry and other related parties.

OIKN and the Ministry of Health are committed to providing the best health services for guests and invitees and all personnel involved in the series of state events leading up to the 79th Independence Day ceremony at IKN Nusantara.

Health facilities will be carefully prepared to accommodate health needs during the state events at IKN, Antoni added.

Related news: Following preparation updates on Independence Day ceremony at IKN

Translator: Nyaman Bagus P, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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