The budget per lunch portion will vary across regions because of different production costs in each region.
Bandarlampung, Lampung (ANTARA) - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan has said that the budget for the free nutritious lunch program will be based on each region's capacity. "Next year's free nutritious lunch program budget has been determined at Rp71 trillion in the 2025 draft state budget," he noted here on Friday.

According to him, the budget per lunch portion will vary across regions because of different production costs in each region.

"The ones that will determine the price (per portion) are nutritionists, as each province has different prices (of food)," he informed.

The ingredients and the food types will also be based on each region's capacity, he added.

"The nutritionists will plan on the free lunch program and determine the prices. We just give them inputs. The most important thing is it can fulfill children's nutritional needs, such as there are eggs, fish, and fruit," Hasan said.

He disclosed that currently, the government is promoting the program in regions.

"For the lunch program, it is currently the promotion stage for Lampung and other regions," he said.

One vocational high school student, Ahmad, said that he is happy with the free lunch program.

"I am happy with the free lunch, so I will not buy anything at the canteen," he expounded, adding that it will allow him to save more money.

Related news: Gibran plans to try different schemes to perfect free lunch program
Related news: No budget cut for free lunch program: Minister Hartarto

Translator: Ruth K, Kenzu
Editor: Arie Novarina
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