Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, on Friday urged state-owned shipping company PT Pelni to improve connectivity between islands in underdeveloped, frontier, outermost, and border (3TP) areas and eastern Indonesia regions.

"I hope that Pelni can improve inter-island connectivity as a form of the state's presence in providing sea transportation mode between 3TP islands and large port cities," he said here.

He informed that the 3TP areas have always been the government's priority. This year, the government has provided a subsidy of Rp4.1 trillion (around US$253.9 million) for pioneering transportation modes in those areas, of which Rp1.87 trillion has been earmarked for sea transportation.

Currently, Pelni has 26 passenger ships and operates 30 pioneer ships.

"We hope that Pelni will carry out this duty seriously and optimally. We have to compete with other archipelagic countries. Our logistics competitiveness index must be improved, along with the Pelni performance," Sumadi said.

The minister then asked Pelni to improve its human resources and efficiency in using ship fuel.

He said that Pelni must reform its human resources and pay attention to fuel use, which accounts for 50 percent of its operating costs.

"If the fuel can be saved and used efficiently. It will be profitable," he explained.

He also emphasized the importance of collaboration and synergy between regulators, operators, and the community to improve sea transportation.

"All parties shall optimize their role in improving sea transportation services towards Golden Indonesia 2045," he said.

Meanwhile, president director of PT Pelni, Tri Andayani, assured that Pelni ships will continue to serve communities in the 3TP areas.

"In addition to large ports, the ships also dock at ports in remote and 3TP areas," Andayani said.

Currently, Pelni ships dock at more than 306 ports in the country.

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Translator: M Harianto, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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