Semarang, C Java (ANTARA) - A 64-year-old man, identified with the initial "N," in Semarang, Central Java, who consumed cat meat after killing it, has been determined as a suspect.

"The suspect admitted to having consumed cat meat since three years ago," Semarang Police's chief of the special crime unit, Johan Widodo, stated here on Thursday.

Widodo revealed that N used a sickle to kill cats that were asleep and dismembered and boiled them before consuming them.

N, who owned a boarding house in Gunungpati Sub-district in Semarang, admitted to consuming cat meat as he believed it was low in calories.

The perpetrator said he could not afford to buy beef.

In investigating the case, the police also confiscated several cooking tools and bone remains.

N is charged with Law No.41 of 2014 concerning Animal Husbandry and Health or Article 302 of the Criminal Code concerning animal abuse.

Investigators have yet to determine the perpetrator's mental state.

Related news: Stop making cat eater video viral: JAAN

Related news: Three-month imprisonment slapped on man torturing cat in East Java

Translator: Immanuel S, Kenzu
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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