Kaimana, Papua Barat (ANTARA) - Indonesia's Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries is prioritizing Kaimana District in West Papua in developing a national whale shark conservation plan.

Pingkan Katharina Roeroe, head of the ministry's fish species protection and conservation working team, highlighted the region's rich marine biodiversity, including whale sharks, which require urgent protection.

"Whale sharks are a protected species and will be conserved sustainably, in a planned and measurable manner until 2025," she said.

To ensure long-term protection, the ministry is crafting a national action plan for whale shark conservation in Kaimana from 2026 to 2029.

The collaborative effort involves the United States Agency for International Development (USAID Kolektif), Kehati Foundation, and conservation organizations like Konservasi Alam Nusantara and Konservasi Indonesia.

Roeroe emphasized the importance of broad inputs for developing the action plan.

Abdul Rahim Furuada, the head of Kaimana's Regional Development Planning Agency, welcomed the ministry's initiative and reaffirmed the district's commitment to whale shark conservation.

Furuada stressed the interconnectedness of conservation and community well-being, emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts to protect the creatures.

The whale shark is the largest fish species on Earth. Despite its immense size, the gentle creature is a filter feeder, subsisting on plankton and small fish. It can be found in warm tropical and temperate waters worldwide.

Characterized by their massive size, distinctive spotted pattern, and wide, gaping mouth, whale sharks, unlike many sharks, are slow-moving and docile.

Human activities have threatened their population, leading to their vulnerable conservation status.

Efforts are underway to protect these magnificent creatures and ensure their survival for future generations.

Related news: A massive undertaking to protect whale sharks in Indonesia
Related news: Ministry issues plan of action for conservation of whale shark

Translator: Ali Nur Ichsan, Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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