Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has incorporated topics on climate change into the Independent Curriculum to stimulate students' collective action on environmental problems.

During a discussion that was followed online from here on Tuesday, chair of the curriculum working team of the ministry's Curriculum and Learning Center, Nur Rofika Ayu Shinta Amali, highlighted the need to help students understand that environmental issues are related to humans' economic, social, and welfare conditions.

"We are building understanding in the Independent Curriculum in a more holistic way, with the hope that in the end they can share and carry out collective action so that they can make systemic changes as citizens," she said.

Amali explained that the integration of climate change topics into the curriculum has involved including the topics into the existing learning process, instead of creating a separate subject or materials.

She said that learning achievements on climate change have been integrated into relevant subjects, such as science, biology, and geography.

Furthermore, climate change is also included in the Pancasila profile strengthening project, which is packaged into some themes.

"There is one theme that is very relevant to environmental issues, namely sustainable lifestyle. We will push it in all schools that have applied the Independent Curriculum," she said.

In addition, the ministry has integrated climate change topics into extracurricular activities, such as scout activities.

The ministry is also seeking to make climate change awareness a part of school culture.

"Currently, the number of Adiwiyata School (Green School) ... in Indonesia is quite high. Thus, we are integrating it into school culture and encouraging Adiwiyata Schools to become champions in the field for climate change education," she said.

She emphasized the importance of climate change education, which starts with the transformation of learning achievements, competent teachers, and important goals for realizing collective action in the form of awareness to save the environment.

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Translator: Lintang Budiyanti, Raka Adji
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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