Jakarta (ANTARA) - Virgin Australia has become the first international airline to use the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) produced by Indonesia's state-owned energy giant Pertamina.

“The first SAF delivery at Ngurah Rai Airport signifies that Indonesia can adapt to the energy mix demands in the international aviation industry, where SAF is currently a medium-term solution for flights to reduce carbon footprint without requiring changes to aircraft, airport infrastructure, or jet fuel supply chains,” said Riva Siahaan, President Director of Pertamina Patra Niaga in a statement received on Wednesday.

Riva added that the SAF supplied complies with the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) framework for the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) and the Renewable Energy Directive-European Union (RED-EU).

Additionally, SAF meets international standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and is certified safe as a CORSIA Eligible Fuel (CEF) that can be claimed to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

“This new step towards sustainable aviation is able to reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels, as Pertamina’s SAF is a 38.43% blend of synthetic kerosene produced from Used Cooking Oil (UCO) and 61.57% conventional jet fuel,” Riva said.

According to Pertamina's commercial and trading sub-holding Pertamina Patra Niaga, the Ngurah Rai Aviation Fuel Terminal (AFT) launched SAF fueling services for the Australian airline with the First International Uplift ceremony at the Bali International Airshow.

The airshow was being held from September 18 to 21 at Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport.

Meanwhile, Virgin Australia's sustainability general manager, Fiona Walmsley, said that the collaboration is the first joint step by Indonesia and Australia to realize their net-zero emission targets.

"By joining hands, Indonesia and Australia are committed to reducing their carbon footprint and implementing innovative, environmentally friendly solutions. This collaboration demonstrates our determination to build a more sustainable and cleaner future for the aviation sector," she said.

Around 160 kiloliters of SAF were provided to Virgin Australia's Boeing 737 aircraft serving flights during the Bali International Airshow.

Virgin Australia serves flights from Bali to Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, and the Gold Coast.

The SAF distributed by the Ngurah Rai Aviation Fuel Terminal is managed using the mass balance chain of custody method.

Under this method, conventional fossil fuel-sourced avtur products are mixed with renewable fuels (SAF) in the same tank because both have similar technical specifications.

Although mixed, the recording and bookkeeping of aviation turbine fuel and SAF are carried out separately.

Pertamina Patra Niaga said that it has committed to distributing SAF to the global market and has been aggressively pushing the energy transition in the aviation sector to support Indonesia's 2060 net-zero target.

SAF, which is produced from waste, is processed in a refinery with fossil fuels to produce low-carbon synthetic fuel. It can lower carbon emissions by up to 84 percent compared to conventional jet fuel.

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Translator: Kelik Dewanto, Yashinta Difa
Editor: Anton Santoso
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