Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy expressed readiness to promote IKN Nusantara and tourist destinations around the city.

"This is one of our major programs in the future. We have to promote our new capital city and several tourist destinations around it," the ministry's Director of Regional I Tourism Marketing, Wisnu Sindhutrisno, stated in Jakarta on Friday.

Sindhutrisno said his side will start promoting IKN as a new tourist destination in the fourth quarter of this year and the first quarter of 2025.

He remarked that the promotional efforts would also reach the international market.

"We will continue to promote it, even abroad," he remarked.

Earlier, the IKN Authority (OIKN) had opened access to the general public to visit several locations in the new capital.

The public can also see the progress in construction development at IKN.

This visit will take people to several interesting locations in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP), including the Ceremonial Plaza and Kusuma Bangsa Park.

The number of visitors is limited to 300 per day to ensure no compromise on the comfort and quality of experience.

Visitors should register themselves before the visit through the IKNOW application to access the free ticket.

Visitors will ride an electric vehicle (EV) bus from the assembly point at the rest area and Simpang Terunen to the location.

The opening of IKN Nusantara to the public is one of the steps to amplify information for the public.

OIKN spokesperson Troy Pantouw stated that the Garuda State Palace at IKN can also be potentially opened for public tours like the White House in Washington, D.C.

"We have opened access, but it is still limited. In the future, it will be possible to open the Garuda State Palace to the general public like the White House," he remarked.

Related news: Ministry to test feasibility of landing bigger aircraft at IKN Airport
Related news: IKN Nusantara opened for public, advance registration required
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Translator: Aji Cakti, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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