Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Alms Agency (Baznas) has emphasized the importance of digitalization, or the use of digital technology, to optimize the management of zakat, infaq, and sadaqa by 2025.

In a statement released on Friday, Baznas' Head of National Digital Transformation, Nadratuzzaman Hosen, stressed that the agency must enhance alms management and services by leveraging rapid technological advancements.

At the 2024 Baznas National Coordination Meeting in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, on Thursday, Hosen noted that by adopting digital technology, Baznas can reach more donors and beneficiaries, speed up distribution, increase accountability, and improve access to information.

"We must seize this golden opportunity to make the agency more advanced, professional, and innovative. It is no longer feasible to serve donors and beneficiaries using only conventional methods. Technology is essential," he added.

Hosen stated that the agency is continually developing technology-based innovations, such as digital platforms to support alms donations, and using big data and artificial intelligence to analyze beneficiaries' needs.

With the help of technology, Baznas can also evaluate the effectiveness of its empowerment programs.

"This is expected to make alms management more targeted, efficient, and transparent," he explained.

Baznas is preparing several applications for national implementation, including the Baznas Management Information System (Simba) and Cinta Zakat (Love Alms).

However, Hosen emphasized that technology is merely a tool. The success of optimizing alms management will depend on a shared commitment and integrity.

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Translator: Sean M, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
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