Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture is advocating for equal parenting to reduce the double burden of work on women.

Woro Srihastuti Sulistyaningrum, the ministry's deputy for the quality improvement of children, women, and youth, stated on Monday that both parents in middle-class households often have to work to meet their family's needs.

This situation leads to women bearing a double burden of work, she added.

"What we are currently promoting is equality in building the family, where both men and women must participate in raising their children," she said.

According to Sulistyaningrum, the role of the father is very important for strengthening children's psychological well-being and realizing quality parenting from an early age.

She underscored that the government has been making efforts to strengthen families without giving the impression of overly intervening in them.

Additionally, she noted that family development is affected not only by the sociocultural aspect but also by economic factors.

The ministry is currently developing a special program to ensure that women are continuously supported with various facilities so they can remain productive and contribute to improving their family's economy.

"To support women in being productive, we must provide services and facilities, including policies that allow women to work safely and comfortably. Public transportation must also be safe and comfortable; we must not allow sexual harassment to occur," she said.

She also highlighted the importance of providing childcare centers with adequate standards and appropriate policies to prevent violence.

Sulistyaningrum emphasized that the government’s policies aimed at improving family quality do not invade their privacy. Instead, they aim to help family members become more productive.

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Translator: Lintang Budiyanti, Raka Adji
Editor: Anton Santoso
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