Natuna (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Coast Guard (Bakamla) once again expelled Chinese coast guard ship CCG-5402 that tried to enter the North Natuna Sea.

Bakamla spokesperson, Captain Yuhanes Antara, informed that the incident occurred on Friday (October 25, 2024).

He said that this was not the first time the CCG-5402 tried to enter Indonesian waters. It has made several such attempts in October 2024, he added.

On Friday, the Chinese vessel not only entered the jurisdiction of Indonesian waters, but also disrupted the Arwana 3D Seismic survey and data processing activities being carried out in the North Natuna Sea by PT Pertamina East Natuna using the MV Geo Coral ship.

"The State Ship (KN) Pulau Dana-323 approached and shadowed the China Coast Guard-5402 ship (CCG-5402), which entered the Indonesian jurisdiction in the North Natuna Sea on Friday," Antara informed.

He said that when KN Pulau Dana-323 communicated with CCG-5402 via radio, the Chinese ship said it was patrolling in Chinese jurisdiction and asked the Indonesian vessel to not get too close to maintain safety during shipping.

"However, it was ignored by KN Pulau Dana-323, which worked together with the Indonesian Navy patrol ship KRI Sutedi Senaputra-378 and KRI Bontang-907," he said.

According to the rules, the action taken by KN Pulau Dana-323 was appropriate because the location where the incident took place was not under Chinese jurisdiction.

"Based on UNCLOS 1982, Indonesia's jurisdiction, especially the Indonesian continental shelf in the North Natuna Sea, has received international recognition, where Indonesia has sovereign rights to exploit and explore natural resources in that area without being disturbed by any country," Antara said.

Bakamla will continue to demonstrate its commitment to maintaining security and enforcing the law in Indonesian waters and jurisdiction, in accordance with the instructions of the head of Bakamla, Vice Admiral TNI Dr. Irvansyah.

"Bakamla RI is ready to secure the Indonesian sea for the future of the nation," he said.

Related news: China coast guard ship again expelled from North Natuna Sea
Related news: TNI clarifies placating tensions in Natuna a diplomatic task

Translator: Yashinta Difa
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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