Manokwari, West Papua (ANTARA) - The declining turtle population in Cenderawasih Bay National Park has driven Alfons Kaikatui and his team to take action to protect these vital marine creatures.

Turtles play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem, making their conservation essential.

Alfons and his community group, Pibata, regularly patrol the shores of Warundi Island in Rumberpon Sub-district, a well-known turtle nesting site.

During their patrols, they monitor signs of turtle activity, such as nests, eggshells, and tracks in the sand.

The turtle eggs that are found are relocated to a semi-natural hatching spot in Isenebuai Village. This effort aims to save the eggs from human and natural disturbances.

Pibata is a group that actively conducts activities related to turtle conservation. It collaborates with various parties to preserve turtles.

According to Alfons, this group was formed on December 3, 2019, and is known locally as Pibata, which means turtle.

His side is committed to nurturing turtle eggs into hatchlings in an effort to preserve the Cendrawasih Bay National Park area.

"Once they have hatched, we release the turtle hatchlings back into their habitat," Alfons remarked.

The Pibata group, which has 39 members, is also actively involved in inviting the community in Isenebuai Village and surrounding villages to preserve turtles.

This dedication is instrumental in preserving the Cendrawasih Bay National Park, which covers an area of approximately 1,453,500 hectares from Nabire District, Central Papua, to Teluk Wondama District, West Papua.

The government has designated the Cendrawasih Bay National Park as the largest marine park in Indonesia, in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Forestry Number 8009/Kpts-II/2002.

Optimizing the management of this area indubitably requires the active role of the local community, especially those domiciled in and around the area or buffer zone.

The Cendrawasih Bay National Park (TNTC) Center has also empowered several community groups, including Pibata in Isenebuai Village, Wondama Bay.

Pibata has, so far, played a major role in the conservation of turtles. Based on records from the TNTC Center, some 343 hatchlings from the Pibata group's semi-natural hatching were released into nature in 2024.

In addition to Pibata, two other community groups in Nabire District have partaken in turtle conservation activities: the Guraja Indah Group in Sima Village and the Irantuar Group in Yeretuar Village.

"The two groups we foster in Nabire have been involved in turtle conservation activities since 2024," Head of the TNTC Center, Supartono, explained.

Threat of Extinction

Turtle conservation has become a global concern. Turtles are listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

This classification subjects all forms of turtle use and trade to strict regulations.

The Indonesian government designated turtles as protected animals in accordance with Government Regulation Number 7 of 1999 concerning the Preservation of Plant and Animal Species.

The head of the TNTC Center has also issued a decree number SK/46/T.6/TU/TEK/1/2024, designating turtles as priority animals for management.

Six other animals -- whale sharks, epaulette sharks, clams, dolphins, and dugongs -- are also prioritized for management in the Cendrawasih Bay National Park area.

Turtle conservation activities must be conducted as a routine program. Hence, the TNTC Center Team periodically monitors the turtle population throughout the area.

In addition, the TNTC Center Team is involved in observing the characteristics of the Pibata group's turtle nesting habitat in Isenebuai Village.

These observations include monitoring temperature, nests, and shade vegetation types to ensure the turtle egg-hatching process proceeds as expected.

The four species identified are green turtles (Chelonia mydas), leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea), hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricate), and olive ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea).

"Turtle conservation requires contributions from local communities," Supartono emphasized.

He noted that 429 hatchlings were released in 2024 to boost the turtle population in Cendrawasih Bay National Park.

The released hatchlings included 263 green turtles, 52 olive ridley turtles, and 114 hawksbill turtles.


The TNTC Center has implemented various guidance strategies to support three community groups in Wondama Bay and Nabire in sustaining turtle conservation efforts.

The strategies encompass strengthening group institutions, boosting community capacity, disseminating education, distributing aid and awards, and engaging communities in the activities of the TNTC Center.

Additionally, the TNTC Center regularly assists groups and encourages the economic empowerment of community groups based on conservation.

Supartono stated that sustaining the community group development program requires support from local governments, districts, villages, the private sector, and universities.

The TNTC Center has conducted capacity-building activities, such as training on creating semi-natural turtle egg-hatching environments and turtle egg relocation techniques.

Conservation cadres, such as Pibata, are formed to inform the community about the turtles' crucial role in maintaining the sustainability of the marine ecosystem.

Alfons and his team enthusiastically welcome this task as they are aware of their part in contributing to turtle conservation.

"By taking part in protecting and preserving turtles, we also take part in protecting the future for our children and grandchildren," Alfons affirmed.

Related news: Sea turtle conservation action plan needs scientific data support: KKP

Translator: Fransiskus Salu W, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Primayanti
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