Paris (ANTARA News) - UNESCO has suspended all cooperation with revolt-hit Libya "until the rights of the Libyan people are fully respected," the United Nations cultural organisation said in a statement on Wednesday.

UNESCO said the decision came after the UN Security Council passed a resolution on February 26 condemning flagrant human rights violations in Libya during fighting between anti-regime rebels and forces loyal to Moamer Kadhafi.

"Given the tragic evolution of events in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya -- the serious human rights violations as well as the incitement of hostilities and the violence coming from the highest level of the Libyan government against the civilian people -- I have decided to suspend all activity and cooperation with the Libyan authorities," UNESCO director general Irina Bokova said.

UNESCO "will resume cooperation with Libya once the Libyan people`s rights are fully respected," the statement added.

Libya is home to five UNESCO World Heritage sites, including major archaeological remains at Leptis Magna, Cyrene and Sabratha, AFP reported.


Editor: Suryanto
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